Bronocice SHPP
Nidzica river
Fish pass and revitalization of the weir as part of the construction of the SHPP
Fish pass and revitalization of the weir as part of the construction of the SHPP
Historical view
The first information about the water mill in Bronocice comes from the first half of the 19th century, when a census of towns, villages and settlements of the Kingdom of Poland was carried out. Unfortunately, the mill's fate and the circumstances of its destruction are unknown. We only know that the weir on which the new SHPP is located was an object damming the water of the mill's intake. Today, the only remnants of the mill race is the depression of the terrain that shows its course.
Technologies used
- Active fish pass
- Archimedes screw in self-supporting construction
The cooperation with the client included the comprehensive implementation of the project, which, apart from the construction of the SHPP building itself consisted of fish pass construction and renovation of the weir. All these works were performed in the "design-and-build" formula, that included developing an entire set of design documentation, obtaining the necessary permits and decisions as well as conducting the construction of a hydroelectric power plant - including the assembly and commissioning of inverter-equipped Archimedes screw hydroset.
Investment planning
- Technical and financial concept of the investment
- Obtaining an environmental decision
- Obtaining a water law permit
- Obtaining a construction permit
Consulting and design
- Development of execution and assembly documentation
- Development of multi-specialty design documentation
Execution of construction works as a general contractor:
- Reconstruction of the damming weir
- Construction of a fish pass
- Construction of a small hydropower plant building
- Delivery of a complete Archimedes propeller hydro unit in a self-supporting structure
- Obtaining a permit to use the facility
- Obtaining a permit on sale of electircity