turn waterinto profits

We offer comprehensive advice on investments in hydropower plants, including the delivery of proprietary technologies and turnkey solutions.

We effectively advise on investments in hydropower plants

We effectively advise on investments in hydropower plants

We provide complete and multidimensional solutions when undertaking investments in hydropower plants - from potential assessment, through investment process management, technology delivery, to project implementation.

Who is our offer for?

We invite individual investors, developers, design companies and other entities that plan to invest in the construction and modernization of small hydropower plants (SHPP) to cooperate.

For the investor

For an expert

For the public client

Our team consists of

full-time specialists

We have already assessed

SHPP locations for the planned investments

We have already obtained

million PLN

in financing for our clients

We have obtained

building permits in the last 5 years

What makes us stand out?

We provide everything you need for the entire life cycle of a hydropower plant. We provide solutions that will ensure maximum profit on your investment.


Profitable solutions

Proprietary technologies

Compliance with the environment

We offer comprehensive support at every stage of the investment

We have extensive competences in servicing hydropower investments with the use of proprietary technologies. The offered service and modernization allows us to maintain a high standard of implementation. At the same time, it maximizes the continuity of power plant operation, with optimal efficiency of electricity generation.

We have extensive competences in servicing hydropower investments with the use of proprietary technologies. The offered service and modernization allows us to maintain a high standard of implementation. At the same time, it maximizes the continuity of power plant operation, with optimal efficiency of electricity generation.

  • Investment planning
  • Consulting and design
  • Investment financing
  • Delivery of technology
  • New facilities and modernization
  • Production optimization
  • General contracting
  • Service
  • Replacement operation

Check out our proprietary technologies

The experience and knowledge of our engineers enable us to offer proven solutions that reduce downtime and ensure continuity of production.

Water turbines

We design, manufacture, assemble and commission complete hydro sets. We produce modern turbines in various types of construction, which are individually designed for a specific location.

Compact solutions

We provide competitive and economical solutions for micro and small hydropower plants. Thanks to high production efficiency, simplified installation and operation, we provide our customers a quick investment return.

Active fish pass

The technology developed by our team explores a new approach in the field of unclogging water courses. It consists of a system of two Archimedes screws, which successfully unclog river barriers and ensure the profitability of such an investment.

Control systems

We offer fully automated control for a hydropower plant. We provide the highest efficiency and maximum operational reliability for new projects and modernized power plants.


We design, manufacture and install various elements of equipment for hydropower, fully automated and integrated with the main automation of the power plant.

See selected projects

Sromowce V SHP

Efficient utilisation of the hydropower potential of a water reservoir complex

Zabrzeż SHPP

Classic highly efficient vertical Kaplan turbines working in the mountainous conditions

Active fish pass at Smrock SHPP

Active fish pass – ensuring the possibility of migration for the river fauna while allowing to utilise the biological flow for energy generation

Sulejów SHPP

Four low head siphon turbines

Sławoszowice SHPP

Maintenance-free SHPP within an avian refuge

Besko SHPP

Francis turbine fitted on a biological water pipeline

Smrock SHPP

Repowering – increase in electricity production due to installation of highly efficient Kaplan turbinie

Bronocice SHPP

Fish pass and revitalization of the weir as part of the construction of the SHPP

Witulin SHPP

The water system of the former cardboard factory in the service of SHPP

Wolica SHPP

Two types of turbines in a small hydropower plant

Bieleckie Młyny SHPP

Archimedes screw in Natura 2000 area

Starogard SHPP

A fish pass that produces electricity

Słowik SHPP

Construction in the immediate area of historic preservation protection

Brudnice SHPP

General renovation of an old hydroelectric power plant

Instytut OZE – firma inżynierska i projektowa

Działamy w gospodarce wodnej, przemyśle i energetyce, oferujemy kompleksowe usługi inżynieryjne i konsultingowe. Cały proces przygotowawczy Twojego przedsięwzięcia możesz zostawić w naszych rękach.

Enerko – realizujemy inwestycje pod klucz

Jesteśmy generalnym wykonawcą, realizujemy przedsięwzięcia w modelu „pod klucz”. Działamy w obrębie budownictwa ogólnego, gospodarki wodnej oraz energetyki. Modernizujemy i budujemy obiekty OZE (w tym instalacje pv, biogazownie, elektrownie wiatrowe i wodne) oraz obiekty kubaturowe.

IOZE Group

Uczestnicząc w eksploatacji zaprojektowanych i wykonanych przez nas obiektów, dbamy o optymalizację pracy instalacji. Stale monitorujemy parametry i poprawiamy wydajność. Duży nacisk kładziemy na działania prewencyjne. Maksymalizacja przychodów naszego klienta oraz obniżenie kosztów są zawsze naszymi priorytetami.

IOZE hydro – elektrownie wodne – pełen zakres

Całość procesu inwestycji w elektrownie wodne możesz zostawić w naszych rękach. Ocenimy potencjał, będziemy zarządzać procesem inwestycyjnym, dobierzemy i dostarczymy technologię, zrealizujemy projekt, aż do rozpoczęcia produkcji energii.